
Chevron Wall How To

        Hello fellow beauty lovers! I’m sorry I’ve been absent lately! School has been insane, but fun! I have so much I want to cover over this last month of my hectic life! I’m going to break it up over a few posts for y’all <3

Paint Colors: New Haven Clay (base), Lustrous Amber (chevron)  both by Valspar
Mini Rollers
Touch up brushes
Drop cloth
Old wash cloth (if you're messy like me!)

       How we did this, was first painting all of the walls before taping it off. This creates the base layer, since we only used two colors. Please… be sure the base layer of paint is fully dry before you plan on continuing.

      Before we started taping lines for the chevron, I needed to make and evenly spaced grid. Luckily enough for me, we had an evenly measured wall (10 feet wide and 8 feet tall) so I needed to measure off grid lines in one foot increments. I started from the top down, since I knew the bottom was going to be covered by trim, just incase I came to a small error with spacing, it would have been covered up on the bottom.

        I used pencil, so it could be easily erased – some had to be painted over, which was ok. Chalk might make it easier – but with dogs in the room I wanted to make sure my lines were not going to be brushed away. I measured down from the celling one foot and then connected my marking with a level approximately one yard long to make sure my lines remained level the entire time. Then from that line I did the same thing, measuring a foot down from the line I just created. I continued this processes until I reached the floor.

       Then, on each of the horizontal grid lines had just created, I measured from left to right (you can measure right to left if you prefer) one foot at a time with my pencil (chalk can be used as a substitute).  I did this on every level horizontal line I had ever so patiently made in the previous step. Then, where every X was formed, I placed a small 1” square of tape until it looks like I had a useless wall of polka dots.

        After all the pretty little polka dots were placed, I then went on an treaded it like a connect the dots puzzle I thoroughly enjoyed in early grade school, until I had a full wall of chevron (see picture). One thing we did not do, but I would recommend, before pressing the tape down securely and firmly, remove the 1” segment of tape from the wall before placing the end of the new line down. This will help ensure your points are … well… pointed.

     We used gold for the alternating color. I wanted it to start on the top to look like gold points, and luckily enough for us, due to the evenly spaced wall, the same color ended on the bottom points.

     Then, finally, you get to paint your second selected color. And, yes, like grade school all over again, please, do your best to stay inside the lines, thus avoiding have to do as much touch up paint in the end.

     After you apply enough coats to cover up the base layer, and enough coats to where you are completely happy with the color. You get to, carefully (this isn’t unwrapping presents on Christmas morning), remove the tape from the walls.

The metallic gold we chose needed a few coats to give it the right sparkle. 
       We did go back and do tiny touch ups (my boyfriend is a perfectionist) But it came together quickly! And Im head over heels in love with it! He truly spoils me and Im so lucky he allowed me to do this project! love you bubs

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