
Hit the Ground Waxing

Well my first day, although very overwhelming, went well. I enjoyed meeting my instructors and receiving my nails, skin, and makeup kit! It was like Christmas Day! You can thank my boyfriend for capturing this candid snapchat of me clawing through my new kits.

I was a little worried how I would pack around all the materials in and out of class. I ended up organizing everything inside a small carryon hard shell suitcase. It works perfectly! Even though I look ridiculous rolling around everything but the wash sink (see what I did there?), but it saves me so much time and hassle!

I was shocked, yet pumped, to hear how quickly you advance and try new things! Today (my second day) I waxed my classmates legs as well as her arm pits! I was honestly shaking at the beginning, not sure if because of excitement or pure terror that I would be ripping out tiny hair recklessly. But once I began it was second nature, and addicting! I even saddled up and had my forearms waxed! First time I've ever done that and it was awesome, my arms are baby butt, just oiled slick now.

Overall I enjoyed today! Now I better get back to studying, I have my first text Friday! Wish me luck <3

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