
Pedis and Ventis

Goodness! I feel like last week just flew by! It was insane how fast they move you thorough the courses and studies! I've already had two tests! My first test was on skin and waxing I killed it with a 97% woop woop! And just today (Tuesday) I took my second test in Manicures and Pedicures! It definitely has been a whirl wind. But the experience is crazy. I already feel so confident and excited to see what my future holds and I'm only two weeks in.

I honestly was so exhausted physically and mentally this last week. The only way I could set up my schedule with work and school was be in class Tuesday- Friday from 9am to 5, and account for 45 minutes of travel there and back, as well as work weekends at my job! So I've literally been running off of these crazy insane B12 packed vitamins I accidentally borrowed/ stole from my boyfriend, and quad shot venti drinks from the almighty Starbucks (cue heavenly choir in the background).

Today I beat crazy 5pm Cheyenne traffic and stopped by a professional beauty supply store. And let me tell you....OMG... I honestly think my license will be worth all this craziness just to shop at this store. I kid you not it's like if you put your favorite high end hair products on an unbelievable sale! I went insane in the membrane! I bought myself lots of Kenra hairsprays and shampoos. I bought Joico K-Pak treatments, my boyfriend got new shampoos and beard treatments too. I know I rock as a girlfriend. I promise I will give you product updates as I learn and try new things! But for now I must get some shut-eye.

Casey....out (mic drop)

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